Dirty Ernie Show Ep. 3

"Dirty Ernie Show" is the set of brief animated stories about the experiences of a classic dude called Ernie at the hospital at which each of his days are crammed with joy and sometimes even with sex! In 3rd sequence among the figures called Heavy Flo will finally grab sexy blonde nurse and also the intern named Buck throughout their action of rapid oral orgy and... comprehend what a large and gorgeous salami Buck has! Ofcourse from now on Heavy Flo will earn a string of attmepts on becoming Buck's attention but how will they end up and what role in all this jumble Ernie will capture is something you will learn only when you will observe thru this animation by yourself! And ofcourse don't forget to visit our website for other scenes! Play now »

Alena 2: Police Story

Alena's adventures, which should be referred to as misadventures,will continue. You may recall from the first part of the story Alena was captured and used as a plaything in some underground dungeon. However, at some point, or perhaps later, this may occur - her screaming (of either pleasure or pain however most likely both) were heard by a woman who happens to be the police officer! Our new heroine has rushed to the rescue... however, like you've likely already suspected, she is going to be arrested as well so now or kinky dude will have two gorgeous girls to play with! While we wait for sexual scenes, there will be some puzzles mini-games that you'll be required to master to progress further yet barely this will provide any real challenge for most of the gamers. Play now »