Dream Job Season 2: Episode 4

It appears that you are enjoying your job as you've already made it to the fourth episode of the second season. However, even though you know that it's way distant from your goals, there are certain bonuses are impossible to refuse. We're talking about the exact same bonuses that make this series of videoquests can be posted only on erotic themed websites! We'll get back to the story. Once again, you'll be given a variety of tasks from different women. You will also receive appropriate rewards for accomplishing these tasks. Yes Erotic content is part of the "proper reward definition. However, you must make correct decisions and enjoy the benefits. Best of luck! Play now »

Karyukai Part 1

Akimi has just graduated college, and goes to Japan on a trip. She has to embrace her self to the world of Geisha. She resides in the place of Enako, she's her server and teacher at the identical moment. She'll learn much about how to feel totally free. Should you will need a help then you can just type "JAPAN" in the game to observe a suggestion. Play now »